April 1987

In early April 1987, the SoCred government introduced Bills 19, the new Industrial Relations Act and 20, the Teachers Act. Read more on the BCTF website here.

Locals had been discussing the possible need to co-ordinate their bargaining from the outset. The 1987 CIEA AGM passed the first of a series of motions at subsequent AGMs in support of a co-ordinated bargaining approach. The 1987 motion requested that local associations forward to the CIEA office copies of their local proposals (union and employer), as well as counter proposals, in order that the information could be shared and analyzed for trends. 

CIEA participated in the BC Federation of Labour’s Expanded Executive Council, and helped in their campaign against privatization and free trade. CIEA received BC Fed support with Douglas College dispute and efforts to certify Local 14 (UBC)